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American Sentence (Zappa Elegy) Compilation

As you may have read, my beloved cat Zappa died last Sunday (3.30.14) and Peter Munro said the next night we’d hoist one in his memory at our 5th Monday EasySpeak gathering, which we did. I did a Control F search in my latest American Sentences manuscript and...

What Drives Cascadia Culture?

Part of the reason we chose the headliners we did for the 2nd Cascadia Poetry Festival is because my short investigation of innovative Cascadia Poetry has led me to a couple of early conclusions: 1) Robert Duncan and Jack Spicer’s poetics (along with the Black...

IndieGoGo for Cascadia Poetry Fest

We’re starting a crowd-sourcing campaign! The 2nd Cascadia Poetry Festival at Seattle U and Spring Street Center May 1-4, 2014, is the biggest project my non-profit corporation has attempted in 20...