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The Great Columbia City Dog Shit Debate

It’s fascinating to see what hits a nerve with people in our internet age. Seems like days have passed, but it was only yesterday that a neighbor posted to the Columbia City neighborhood Facebook page a post about his neighbor. Apparently this person was upset...

Community Acupuncture and the Collaborative Commons

I have been pretty inspired by a talk Jeremy Rifkin gave at Town Hall on April 7th, as it gives me hope that there is something more I can do to hasten the end of capitalism other than crawl into a bomb shelter and stay in the fetal position until it crashes. He was...

Tin Umbrella Suggests Hillman City’s Coming Up

Mer and I moved from Columbia City to Hillman City in October 2011. The neighborhood just south of Columbia City, it’s still more diverse than Columbia City and (as of this writing) has none of the huge, ugly condo projects going up that are starting to turn our...

Claustrophobia 5: The Overflowing Patio

Saturday, June 23, 2012, 3:00pm Rachel Hug’s House: 4219 Letitia Av S (Lower Unit) Readers: Emily Kendal Frey, Paul Nelson, Kate Lebo I am so psyched to be reading with Emily and Kate. I hope Kate brings pie. I hope Emily brings my copy of her chapbook that I...