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Hillman City Haibun 7, Father, Lawns, Bangs, Chickens

Going through Fatherhood a second time, there are many notions that go through my mind on a regular basis. One is what will be my youngest daughter’s earliest memory? I think about dancing in the kitchen to Charlie Christian with the Benny Goodman Orchestra, or to the...

Hillman City Haibun (Walkin’, Lichen)

As I noted in my last haibun post, walks = poetry. If you do not get a poem when walking, you have not walked long enough. Ask Charles Reznikoff, who was well-known for taking walks of 15 to 20 miles. 26 Moonlit Night The trees’ shadows lie in black pools on the...

Hillman City Haibun 5 (White Cat Privilege)

It’s the odd experience successfully translated into language that often makes a good American Sentence. A long walk can yield a sentence or two, but having the daily practice helps with perception in general. After all, the creator of this 17 syllable poem form...

Hillman City Haibun 4 (Sleep, Crackers)

It’s a toss-up for the best American Sentence this week. Yesterday’s pertains to a new health condition, or at least a new diagnosis. Today’s comes from a source who said she did not write it, but has made “the book” one previous time....