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Latest American Sentences

I was looking at the stats for this website yesterday and stunned to find over 5,000 hits on American Sentences, by far the most popular thing here. Thank you for your interest. I write today to share my latest harvest of these seventeen syllable poems, a form...

Hold The House Sparrow (translation)

The haibun I wrote for Maleea Acker (84. Hold The House Sparrow) has been translated into Chinese. I got this yesterday from Denis Mair: Hello Paul,     Zhang Yuan, who is studying for a PhD in translation studies in Tianjin, did a Chinese version of your haibun...

Denis Mair on Huang Nubo (Luo Ying)

I have known Denis Mair from my earliest days attending Red Sky Poetry Theater at the Globe Cafe at 14th & Pine. This would have been as early as 1995. A tall, soft-spoken man, he would read his translations from Chinese poets and that was just one more aspect of...

Poet Politician: The Work of Jidi Majia

It is awkward to write on this day that my country’s President, for whom I wept on Election Day 2008, is signing into law a bill which allows any U.S. President to label someone a terrorist, eroding yet another constitutional right. Perhaps there is a...