Huge gratitude goes out to Washington’s first Poet Laureate, Sam Green, who has bound my new book A Time Before Slaughter/Pig War: & Other Songs of Cascadia. He did it a week or so ago and sent it to an old address of mine. I had to retrieve it from Columbia City! But the woman there was kind, apologetic that she opened the package and knew immediately that it was “important.” Agreed!
I’ll buy a cup of socially-distant coffee for the first person who tells me in which poem in the new edition of the book a reader can find a reference to Sam.
Thank you Sam Green!!! What beautiful work. I will treasure this forever.
Hello Paul — finally got my Lenovo running again (after a mute year); now if I can just remember how the darned thing works! The cover of Sam’s new rendering of ‘Slaughter’ is truly lovely. Sooo elegant! Congratulations: what a treasure. Through the grapevine, I hear you’re soon to be a father-in-law. Good God, man, next thing we know you’ll be sunk in Lawrence Welk reruns, and wearing shoes! Seriously, it’s good to know you’re still out there in the world, keeping the faith. Stay well, hear?
What a superb binding! Sam’s work is without peer. This is a priceless treasure.
This looks fabulous, Paul. Congratulations and very best wishes for health and joy. Stay well!
Bless you Lowell.