It has been the core of SPLAB’s work since 2012 to engage in a bioregional cultural investigation of Cascadia. We owe a huge debt to David McCloskey’s groundbreaking work, his evocative maps and vision and to Peter Berg’s vision and work on the concept of bioregionalism itself, which is a way of living that will need to be adopted if we are to save the biosphere and/or the species. (I know, saving the species known as “human being” is a tough sell right now, but I am perennially an optimist.)
So, I was delighted to be part of the Cascadian Zen symposium at Seattle University February 14 and 15, 2o2o, an event I helped organize with Tetsuzen Jason Wirth and Seattle poet Shin Yu Pai. My talk has been preserved on Youtube and if you open THIS PDF, you can watch the video and ACTUALLY see the slides I presented that day.