The book is tinged with melancholy, as the cover image is a painting by Bill Turner who died just last month. (The cover was expertly designed by Amy Evans McClure.) I got three sweet blurbs from Michael Boughn, Sharon Thesen and my teacher and mentor, the late Sam Hamill, whose own extensive study of haibun and Japanese poetry in general made this book possible. Thanks is also due José Kozer who introduced my to the dense Latin-American approach to poetry known as the neo-barroco and to Pablo Baler who introduced me to Ramón Gómez de la Serna. He said my American Sentences reminded him of the greguerías of RGdlS. Amalio Madueño provided the introduction taken from one he did for a chapbook of several of the haibun.
A link to purchase the book is in the image below. I have a tentative date to launch the book at C&P Coffee on Wednesday, April 13. This will be the third book I will have released during the current pandemic. It is not the timing I would have chosen or predicted, but I am delighted to have a book published by Koon Woon whose dedication to poetry is a inspiration and whose friendship I value dearly.