George Stanley
George Stanley – Writing Carelessly the Serial Poem
George Stanley was part of the San Francisco Renaissance of the early 60s and moved to British Columbia, where he has lived since 1971. He discussed his approach to the serial poem, his teachers, friends and influences, such as Jack Spicer, Robert Duncan, Robert Lowell, Joanne Kyger and George Bowering, among others. He also read selections from the first book-length serial poem about Vancouver, Vancouver: A Poem as well as two poems from his latest project After Desire.
Part 1 (15:09)
Part 2 (18:56)
Part 3 (18:03)
Part 4 (15:43)
Individual poems:
Vancouver: A Poem (from Part 9, Visiting Brian Loomes at UBC Hospital) (4:32)
You Want to Imagine (from After Desire) (5:08)
After Desire (:49)
Date Recorded: 07/02/2012