The yearly August Postcard Poetry Festival has become an international event. To celebrate the 10th year of the Fest and the community that has developed around it, we will be creating an anthology of poems written as part of the 2016 August Postcard Poetry Fest, titled 56 Days of August: Poetry Postcards. Since the fest call goes out July 4 and the list a day or two later, and we’ve survived the end of the Mayan Calendar, we’ve taken a bit of poetic license with the Gregorian Calendar and made August longer.
We encourage all participants in this year’s “AugPoPoFest” to submit up to 10 postcard poems for possible inclusion in the anthology. If you make your own postcards for the festival, there will be an opportunity to submit your artwork for use in the anthology as well.
There will be no charge for submission.
In order to participate, please do the following:
- keep a copy of your Brown Paper Tickets registration confirmation number
- maintain typed copies of any postcard poems you may want to submit (we cannot accept scans of handwritten poems), noting the date the postcard was sent
- if you would like to submit concrete, found, or shape poetry (or other poems that have a significant visual element), please provide a scan of your poem and keep a typed copy of the text
- if you’re interested in submitting postcards you’ve created, please scan up to 5 postcard artworks (DPI close to 300), noting the date each postcard was sent, the name of the associated poem and your BPT confirmation number.
Complete submissions guidelines will be posted at www.56daysofAugust.com by July 15th. The site will also house the submissions portal. Submissions will open on October 1, 2016 and close November 1, 2016. Submissions will be blind.
Ina Roy-Faderman, Judy Kleinberg, and Lisa Choi will be reading submissions. Paul Nelson, co-founder of the August Postcard Poetry Festival, will finalize selections. We are fortunate to have Five Oaks Press as the publisher of this anthology.
The expected launch date for the volume is October of 2017, to coincide with the Cascadia Poetry Festival https://cascadiapoetryfestival.org/ Other events will include readings in Washington State, California (north and south), and Canada. We’ll be launching an IndieGogo Campaign to defray launch-related expenses.
If you love this yearly celebration of poetry or have been looking for a reason to participate, please go to https://paulenelson.com/august-poetry-postcard-fest/ for more information and to sign up for this year’s Festival.
- 56 Days of August: Poetry Postcards
- Submissions open on October 1, 2016
- Submissions close on October 31, 2016 at 12M
- More information and guidelines soon at www.56daysofAugust.com
We look forward to reading your work!