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From Ray Grigg:

The Nature of Zen (Ray Grigg)I thought I’d let you know that my latest book, The Nature of Zen: An Ecology of Being is now available from Xlibris for $20.99 and from Amazon for…  $28.95. An eBook edition is also available. I’m not in the business of flogging books, but these 230 pages might contain something of interest and guidance that you may find relevant in a time of existential turmoil — if not individually, then at least culturally and environmentally.
The book was inspired by a poem of an old Chinese Zen master, Liu Tsung-yuan (773 – 819), that was sent to me by a friend from the Appalachian Zen centre. This got me thinking about what other comparable wisdom might be out there in the writings of Chinese and Japanese Zen poets. After reading thousands of them, I selected 180 of those that seemed inspirational, at least to me. The resulting material — adaptations of translations along with a commentary for each poem — constitute the book, which is completed with four appended essays.
Thanks for your editions of Cascadian Zen, and for your contribution to mindfulness