- How I got into radio. 1974, Lane Tech, cut-off record:Radio career: 1980-2026, Chicago, Baltimore, West Palm Beach, Appleton, Peoria, Seattle in 1988.

Lane Tech Lunch Guard Photo
- Transition from D.J. to Community Affairs Coordinator & producer of public affairs interviews.
- Whole Systems (Holistic) approaches to issues affecting our communities.
- Environment
- Bioregionalism (Notes from The Biosphere and the Bioregion).
- Peter Berg interview: https://paulenelson.com/2016/02/23/1992-peter-berg-interview/
- What Is Cascadia?
- Gary Snyder definition of bioregionalism. (Selections from Turtle Island & For All)
- David Abram: https://orionmagazine.org/article/the-air-aware/
WHAT IS THIS ENIGMA that we call “mind”?… mind is not at all a human possession, but is rather a property of the earthly biosphere — a property in which we, along with the other animals and the plants, all participate. The apparent interiority that we ascribe to the mind would then have less to do with the notion that there is a separate mind located inside me, and another, distinct mind that resides inside you, and more to do with a sense that you and I are both situated inside it — a recognition that we are bodily immersed in an awareness that is not ours, but is rather the Earth’s.
- Dōgen founded Soto Zen, lived from 1200 to 1253 CE Japan
When you find your place where you are, practice occurs, actualizing the fundamental point. When you find your way at this moment, practice occurs, actualizing the fundamental point;To study the Buddha way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be actualized by myriad things. When actualized by myriad things, your body and mind as well as the bodies and minds of others drop away. No trace of realization remains, and this no-trace continues endlessly.What to do?
- Spiritual Ecology:
Spiritual ecology… refers to the intersection of spirituality and ecology, and how these two seemingly different fields are actually interconnected. Spiritual ecology is about recognizing the sacredness of nature and understanding our place within it. It’s about acknowledging that we are not separate from nature, but rather an integral part of it… it’s a philosophy that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living beings and the natural world. It’s about recognizing that everything in nature is interconnected and interdependent, and that our actions have an impact on the world around us… It’s about seeing the natural world as more than just a collection of physical objects, but as a living, breathing entity that is imbued with spiritual energy.Find something from the “more than human” world besides a pet. Could be in your backyard, or Kubota Garden. If you can be alone, that’s better. Get to know that thing/being. See if you can put yourself in its shoes (roots). Read a book by that entity. Take a pocket journal and note what members of the more than human world you notice. Notice how you notice them. Do you see? Hear? SMELL?!? them? See if you can spend an hour a week with this entity and if you can get to know it.
- Mapes Creek (dxʷwuqʷəb) THERE IS A CREEK