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They’re keeping me hopping this weekend and I’m delighted.

Friday night at 7:30, I’ll be reading poems at the home of Joan Laage and David Thornbrugh. It’s an event called Homestage, featuring butoh artist Tadashi Endo (Germany) plus Joan Laage/Kogut Butoh. Music: James Falzone, Jackie An, Michael Shannon & David Stanford. Poetry: Omar Willey, Bonnie Wolkenstein, Sheryl Sirotnik & your humble narrator. DETAILS HERE.

Saturday from 1-5pm I’ll be typing poems on demand at Summer Nights in Bothell. The City of Bothell has teamed up with Northwest Folklife for a fusion of music, art, dance, food, tradition, and celebration.

  • Date: Saturday, August 17
  • Location: Park at Bothell Landing
  • Time: 1:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
  • Free Community Event
  • 8 live performances, dance, music, 20+ makers and vendors, food, art, kids activities, and more.

From Bothell, I’ll speed back to Bradner Gardens for a gig with the Jim O’Halloran Quartet, one of the highlights of my summer. It is an amazing place to hear music and the band is always sympathetic behind the poems. Come say hello. I’ll be reading some postcard poems from this season. Info below.

Bradner Gardens Concert Poster