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During my recent stay in Victoria, I was the guest of Maleea Acker for a night. She was one of the Canadian poets who came down to read at our first Cascadia Poetry Festival and has recently published a book on Garry Oak Meadows, so knows a thing or two on the environment. While drinking the strongest coffee ever and enjoying some scrambled eggs, I saw a Northern Flicker appear at her birdfeeder. She

Maleea Acker

Maleea Acker

identified the species and pointed out the Finches below and then told me something extraordinary. All of this is told below in my most recent haibun, #84 in a series of 99, tho told in a way that’s least careless and least logical in neo-barroco manner, abrupt subject changes, busted syntax, &c. As always, comments are welcome.

(Click on image for pdf of the whole poem)

(Click on image for pdf of the whole poem)