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Zach Charles Book Launch

Zach Charles Book Launch

Ever since Zach Charles and I became friends over two years ago, I have been stunned by his capacity to take in content from the massive information firehouse and turn it into poetry postcards, engaged workshop participation and a new book to be published by...
C&P Coffee Company Dec 11 7pm

C&P Coffee Company Dec 11 7pm

I’m one of the featured readers on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at C&P Coffee Company, 5612 California Ave SW. The monthly open mic, facilitated by Leopoldo Seguel, has invited me yet again and I will read from my last DaySong writing ritual. I am grateful...
Winter in America (Again

Winter in America (Again

Katie Sarah Zale writes: “In 2003, 11,000 poets responded to Sam Hamill’s request for a poem about George W. Bush’s planned attack of Iraq. In the resulting anthology titled Poets Against the War, Sam wrote, ‘These are the voices of our poets; they come...
Winter in America (Again (poem)

Winter in America (Again (poem)

I have submitted my poems to the upcoming anthology Winter in America (Again. The project was conceived of by Katie Sarah Zale and modeled after Sam Hamill’s “Poets Against The War.” Greg Bem’s Carbonation Press of Spokane is set to publish the...