Paul E Nelson presenting at Cascadia Poetry Festival 8, photo by Leszek Chudzinski
“Over the past decade or so, no one has done more for poetry in the Pacific Northwest than has Paul Nelson.”– Sam Hamill
56 Days of August
by Ina Roy-Faderman (Author), Paul E. Nelson (Editor), J.I. Kleinberg (Editor) Postcards are electric. I get excited just turning a rack of postcards around at the drugstore. There was a time before...
American Sentences
By Paul E Nelson This is a collection of American Sentences...A collection of 17-syllable sentences-the North American version of haiku, a form created by Allen Ginsberg-from a poet who has written...
Make it True: Poetry from Cascadia
By Paul E. Nelson A collection from poets writing from the bioregion lying west of the continental divide, spanning from Cape Mendocino in the south to Mt. Logan in the north. An attempt to deepen...
Three Friends Carousel: Tiovivo Tres Amigos
An Interview and Ten Poems Jose Kozer interview by Paul Nelson Three Friends Carousel is the transcript of an interview conducted with Neruda-prize winning poet José Kozer at his Hallendale Beach...
Organic in Cascadia: A Sequence of Energies
Poesia Organica Na Cascadia: uma Sequencia De Energias With the publication of Poesia Organica Na Cascadia: uma Sequencia De Energias (Organic in Cascadia: A Sequence of Energies), my work is now...
2021 Poetry Postcard Afterword
2021 Poetry Postcard Fest Afterword (as pdf) I so love the Poetry Postcard Fest. Each year the fest allows me to experience new depths in my own creativity. The poetry side of spontaneous...
FLEXIBLE MIND poem 28-JAN-2023 If you arouse the thought of bringing
I was gifted another poem in the series FLEXIBLE MIND yesterday. That I am studying Zen now is a huge asset to this series of poems based on a Michael McClure poem from his series Touching The Edge:...
Negative Capability in Painting
I am delighted to have been accorded the pleasure of moderating a panel of painters on the subject of Negative Capability. Details:Gallery 110 will be hosting a panel discussion featuring Carol...
Brenda Hillman Interview on In A Few Minutes Before Later
On December 12, 2022 I had the honor to again interview Brenda Hillman. This time it was on Zoom about her new book In A Few Minutes Before Later. The audio is available as part of the Cascadian...

An interview with Frank Abe, co-editor of the new anthology The Literature of Japanese American Incarceration, conducted September 20, 2024 by Paul E Nelson