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Albulhassan, Clark, Greco, Triese Chapbooks

I am so envious of these four chapbooks and delighted they were gifts recently given to me. All from Cascadians and all quite worth while. Wikipedia (by way of the O.E.D.) says: “Chapbook is first attested in English in 1824, and seems to derive from the word...

Animating Cascadia Western Lit Conference Notes

I am set to leave for Victoria on the Clipper and make a presentation Thursday morning at the Western Literature Association’s annual conference on a panel with Andy Meyer and Nadine Maestas. They added to our panel a woman doing a paper on Tess Gallagher. What...

Marion Kimes Dead at 84

I started investigating the Seattle Open Mic scene in 1994 and soon found a home at Red Sky Poetry Theater. I attended one of the last, if not the last Red Sky reading at the Ditto Tavern and then was a regular for about ten years as the run at the Globe happened...

What Drives Cascadia Culture?

Part of the reason we chose the headliners we did for the 2nd Cascadia Poetry Festival is because my short investigation of innovative Cascadia Poetry has led me to a couple of early conclusions: 1) Robert Duncan and Jack Spicer’s poetics (along with the Black...

Seattle Nice and Cascadia Culture

With the AWP Conference just concluded in Seattle, I had many opportunities to see my home through the eyes of others, be a guide to the best of what’s here, the cultural mores and to even feel defensive about those who would have a jab or two at this, my city....