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Workshop Exercises

have been developed since 1997 at over 400 workshops.

Click on one of the links below to view and print the handout.
American Sentences
American Sonnets
Berrigan College Sonnet Exercise
Cover Poem
Duo Corpse Exercise

Fast Speaking Mammal
Grid Exercise
Haibun Tips
I Remember (After Joe Brainard)
Kerouac Blues Exercise
Phrase Acrostic
Poetry Postcard Exercise
Sei Shonagon List Exercise
Tribe Exercise

Click here for a course outline of Paul Nelson’s Keeping Your Hand (Foot, Spleen) In It first offered at the Richard Hugo House in Seattle in July, 2009.

Click here for a course outline of The Personal Mythology of Organic Poetry course, first offered at the Richard Hugo House in Seattle in Winter, 2009.