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Poetics as Cosmology

Poetics as Cosmology (Intro to Spontaneous Composition) A six week online (Zoom) workshop for people who have had a little experience in spontaneous poetry composition and want more. Join SPLAB and POPO Co-Founder Paul E Nelson in a lively course designed to start...

Rattlecast #54 (Watch the Interview)

Back in March before we had a sense of how COVID-19 the novel Coronavirus would change our lives forever, Rattle Magazine’s Tim Green invited me to sit down (via Skype) for an interview about my work, my projects and about POPO. It is the best interview anyone...

Buckminster Fuller

As a fan of the Black Mountain School of poetry, which was inspired by the revolutionary poetics of Charles Olson, the last rector of the famed outside educational institution in North Carolina in the mid-20th Century, I was delighted to see this come up in my inbox:...
A Forest of Names (Ian Boyden)

A Forest of Names (Ian Boyden)

My good friend Ian Boyden is a brilliant artist who has a new book of poems to be released next month by Wesleyan University Press. FYI: A Forest of Names: 108 Meditations ‍by Ian Boyden ‍Wesleyan University Press (buy now) 136 pp. 2 b&w photos. 5.5...