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For three full seasons (October-June, 2020-2023) I have conducted online workshops designed to allow poets who have participated in the Poetry Postcard Fest to go a little deeper into the process of learning how to revise less. The last workshop ended a deep dive into Brenda Hillman’s last book In a Few Minutes Before Later. The workshop was called “The End of a Few Minutes Before Later.”

As the groups neared the end of the workshops I offered some writing exercises that could be applied to the Poetry Postcard Fest. One of them was the Brenda-ized City Sonnet and comes out of Bernadette Mayer’s work.

You  might want to try this with your postcard process. Registration for this year’s fest is open at: and draft lists are coming this Sunday at the latest.

Fall workshops will be open for registration by September 1 and will have a huge Spiritual Ecology component. Details coming soon. What methods do you use for the postcard fest?

(Astronaut postcard by Tim Mateer.)