Life As Rehearsal for the Poem (LARFP) Overland to Levertov
A five week online (Zoom) workshop for continuing participants in the online workshops facilitated by Cascadia Poetics Lab and Poetry Postcard Fest Co-Founder Paul E Nelson. Participate in reading and discussion of foundational essays, interviews, listening and other assignments, as well as spontaneous poetry composition exercises, in the first of three five week courses. This season we add a component of Spiritual Ecology, which will consist of weekly field work designed to deepen participants connection to place. We will also study Denise Levertov’s Overland to the Islands. (Levertov would have turned 100 October 24, 2023.) How can one’s poetics be a cosmology and maintain some experience of the Poetry Postcard Fest, to allow one’s life as a poet to rise in one’s personal hierarchy of duties/activities? $250 for each five week session per person, scholarships are available. Sunday nights, 4-6pm (Oct 15, 22, 29 & Nov 5 & 12) by invitation only. Preference given to participants who wish to commit to all three five week sessions in the 2023/2024 season.
Sunday nights, 4-6 PM Pacific Time
Oct 15, 22, 29 & Nov 5 & 12
by invitation only. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2064225002
COURSE MATERIALS WEEK ONE, Sunday, October 15, 2023, 4-6pm PDT
This year we initiate a couple of new activities.
1) Write a reflection on the week’s materials. What you liked, what you didn’t. Add questions you might have or any thoughts related to what you read, listened to and watched. Lines by Levertov that stood out for you, or those moments in the poem you thought were weak, or did not understand. Shoot for 500 words. This would be an excellent check-in, along with your poem.
2) Do an hour of Spiritual Ecology Field Work. I am studying with Jennifer Wilhoit and this part of this course is modeled after her training. This could be as simple as meditating in your backyard, or going into a natural place and creating a cairn, or ground altar, or wreath using found materials, or even reading poetry to the crows. Do ask for permission for everything you use in these creations and understand they are to be temporary. Keep a pocket notebook, take notes on what happens and your associations and emotions, and see if images from your field work come up in your poems. It’s best not to take phone calls, answer emails or look at social media while you are doing the field work, but the phone comes in handy to document anything you create or, if greeted by more-than-humans, you can try to get a recording.
READ: https://orionmagazine.org/article/the-air-aware/
LISTEN: Chicago: August/September 2023
READ: Overland to the Islands by Denise Levertov (page 1-10 of document)
LISTEN (or READ): The Kidnapped Child Who Became a Poet
READ: S’Klallum Public Garden (as pdf)
READ: First Draft: Poet Laureate Oath of Office, Diane di Prima
WRITE: First Draft Poet Laureate (of your domain)
COURSE MATERIALS WEEK TWO, Sunday, October 22, 2023, 4-6pm PDT
READ: Overland to the Islands by Denise Levertov (page 11-20 of document). Please add a key phrase found in these pages (or a question about the work) to your written check-in. Please write your three minute reflection on your experience with the course materials.)
LISTEN: Chicago: August/September 2023 (Take the music on a walk if you can. This will get you out of the prison of your logical mind.)
REFLECT: Do an hour of Spiritual Ecology Field Work.
WATCH: https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/ZzaUGhhnlQ8
READ: Reinhabitation: Body, Place Bioregion
WRITE: Please write a reflection on this week’s course materials suitable for a check-in
WRITE: Down Brain Collage
WEEK THREE, October 29, 2023, 4-6pm PDT
READ: Overland to the Islands by Denise Levertov (page 21-30 of document). Please add a key phrase found in these pages (or a question about the work) to your written check-in. Please write your three minute reflection on your experience with the course materials.)
READ: The Letters of Robert Duncan & Denise Levertov (Extra credit article war poems of E.P.)
LISTEN: https://cascadiapoeticslab.org/2023/07/interview-with-gabrielle-gutierrez-y-muhs/
READ: Museums Play it Safe (Extra credit for this related piece.)
READ: Recipes Inspired by Literary Meals
READ: <https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/17/arts/music/carla-bley-dead.html?unlocked_article_code=jCX5f0BInvGC3CBDzkzktnpLzSPkPaEyJ9h8IO5DAskVLvQWA5GZvOZ9tWLy1A_vgV8yXSjaOA_w8N0nUAd4DcxW9A6nAYlt0FyiA_7JoD4QRm3HJhqJ_6fR-6ojT1JeJStbEsg_yh6t3zmLyzKqsQiG9ztcQ-sKSQmfL9s1EthKQHxI_n47Oo2PNOGxCa8ksw76VeKhb5uXVUGgiYBdAR4KagRgQWxCuT7nHanZZxwOOrSfSWz9oMeZIRJ0nwpXvkcCJv6WwCzd7Dmu8-ocT5opMNWPzDoq8Yewf1i6sZjb9tZALOGY5mtRPJRqVjSMUdDQ4JMHhpXq1rNw&smid=url-share”>R.I.P. Carla Bley
LISTEN: R.I.P. Carla:
REFLECT: Do an hour of Spiritual Ecology Field Work.
WRITE: Please write a reflection on this week’s course materials suitable for a check-in
WRITE: Recipe Poem
WEEK FOUR, November 5, 2023, 4-6pm PST
READ: Overland to the Islands by Denise Levertov (page 31-42 of document). Please add a key phrase found in these pages (or a question about the work) to your written check-in. Please write your three minute reflection on your experience with the course materials.)
READ: The Response of Sam Durant to the Walker Art Museum Controversy
READ: A Conversation with Denise Levertov
DL: …I’ve always told students if there’s a weak place in a poem, weak because it’s sort of vague, don’t try to rewrite that passage from the realization that it needs rewriting. Go back to the experience itself and look around and see what you see—Oh, look! There’s a little weed growing between those two stones on this road that I’m walking on. It’s got a little yellow flower. I didn’t notice that before. Or, what a peculiar stain on that wall. It looks like a goat! You can see all manner of details if you put yourself back in the place where you were, literally, or at the time of conceiving the poem. It takes attention to concrete, visual detail—not visual alone, of course—sensory detail, that releases so many understandings and releases language that you hadn’t planned for, but which is demanded by the need to precisely articulate what you are experiencing or have experienced. Abstractions just won’t do.
READ: Learn an Easy-To-Do, Hands-On Nature Ritual
REFLECT: Do an hour of Spiritual Ecology Field Work (Use the above ritual prompt of marking a transition in your life. Don’t think too much about which one, but decide which one BEFORE going out to make the nature altar.) Extra credit to write an American Sentence during or after the experience.
READ: RIP Carla Bley (The Guardian)
LISTEN: R.I.P. Carla:
WATCH: Cheese of TRUTH! Extra credit to actually do this.
READ: He Carves More
WRITE: Please write a 500 word reflection on this week’s course materials suitable for a check-in.
READ/LISTEN: Interview with Barry McKinnon
WRITE: Phrase Acrostic. Take a phrase or two from either long article from this week (sorry about that), ideally from one which you had a strong reaction to, and write a poem using the technique explained in the handout. You could do more than one, as practice at any method or skill allows for greater understanding and even mastery. See poetry postcards. You could even use a song title or two from the Carla Bley playlist to write a Carla Bley poem or even elegy, but TRIGGER WARNING you may end up going bananas.)
WEEK FIVE, November 12, 2023, 4-6pm PST
READ: On the Function of the Line by Denise Levertov
READ: Lost in Place by Brian Schroeder
Do: Deck Ritual
LISTEN: (or read) If Palestinian Freedom Makes You Uneasy…
WRITE: Please write a 500 word reflection on this week’s course materials suitable for a check-in
WRITE: Dead Supper Poem (Don’t buy this product before writing.) OR Supermarket Poem Exercise