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2012 American Sentences (so far)

So, I found my pocket journal that went from October 13, 2011 to January 17, 2012. It was a scary moment when I couldn’t find it for various reasons. I do not want to think about how a lost journal would have imperiled the early harvest of American Sentences....

Stellar (Ella) (a Haibun)

Ships sail so far away, even farther, that their smoke is no more than the distant signal of a marine volcano. – Ramón Gomez de la Serna & further still the cosmos. & in the cosmos the soul that would be Ella. (Stellar). She. Her. No podemos hacerlo sin Ella....

Four Hoarse Men Sound Poetry

Greg Bem, Jason Conger, Joe Chiveney and I have been rehearsing a Sound Poem originally done by the Four Horsemen: bp nichol, Steve McCaffery, Rafael Barreto-Rivera and Paul Dutton. (Their version here: ) Read the comments...

Angel Hack (Haibun de la Serna #4)

Angel Hack by Paul Nelson 3 Angel Hack Never forget that it was an angel that invented swords. Ramón Gomez de la Serna Never forget it is the oldest Bodhisattva carries one aflame in his right hand carve a slice off duality. Never forget a sword’s a scalpel can hack...

49th Parallel Blues

See me read it with Jim O’Halloran on flute: Line breaks here are not right, but what the hell? It’s #49 in a series of 99 haibun inspired by Ramon Gomez de la Serna. 49. 49th Parallel Blues (After Nate Mackey) The function of waves is to bring the salvage...