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Latest American Sentences

I was looking at the stats for this website yesterday and stunned to find over 5,000 hits on American Sentences, by far the most popular thing here. Thank you for your interest. I write today to share my latest harvest of these seventeen syllable poems, a form...

Haibun de la Serna

Finishing the 83rd poem in a series of 99 haibun on Monday morning, Meredith had overheard me recording the poem and informed me I was “almost finished” with the series I have been working on for almost four years, Haibun de la Serna. My friend Amalio...

The Next Big Thing (Self-Interview)

I was tagged by C.E. Putnam for this project, the Next Big Thing self-interview. I tagged 6 other writers whose work I admire and will post links to their answers once they send them to me. The trick for me was that I have three book projects percolating. Actually,...

Intro to Reissue of McClure’s Specks

It was on my 50th birthday that I received an email from Garry Thomas Morse of Talon Books in Vancouver asking if I would be interested in writing the introduction to a reissue of Michael McClure’s 1985 book entitled Specks. I was honored and flabbergasted and...