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Taos April 2016

I have just returned from Taos, New Mexico, where I was invited to read at the Jazz & Poetry event produced by the Taos Bebop Jazz Society and Analog Eric and Judy Katzman. I had first gone to Taos in 2000 for the Taos Poetry Circus, produced by Peter Rabbit, Anne...

Sam Hamill Interview, Notes on Cascadia 3 (Malpais)

The last Malpais Review is out and like most literary initiatives on this here continent, it went as far as their Publisher/Editor Gary Brower could take it. I am fortunate enough, thanks to Amalio Madueño, to have two pieces in the journal. One is a review of the...

Amalio Madueño in Taos

The purpose of my recent (massive) road trip to the SW and back was to visit Amalio Madueño, who has lived there since the early 90s. I met him in the late 90s when I attended three consecutive editions of the Taos Poetry Circus, which Amalio ran for ten years. It was...

Sam Hamill on Denise Levertov

Amalio Madueño, the great Taos poet whom I met while attending the legendary Taos Poetry Circus for three years in the late 90s, came to Seattle Labor Day weekend to attend Sam Hamill’s book release party at Elliott Bay Books. Habitation is Sam’s new...

Jose Kozer Interview (N.13.13 in L.A., Part 2)

Today I’m posting the rest of the audio of an interview with legendary Cuban-American poet José Kozer, conducted by  Cal State U at L.A. Ph.D. student Mike Sonksen. (Hear the first four parts of the interview here.) Kozer here is captured shortly after winning...