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Ian Boyden Interview (A Forest of Names)

They are 108 poems that “illuminate a hidden landscape in the names of children killed in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.” Many of their deaths could have been prevented if not for the shoddy construction of the school buildings in which they attended. The poems are...

The Art of the Blurb

I have been asked on occasion to write blurbs for friends and acquaintances and, like any other form of writing, it takes some practice. The first thing is to learn what NOT to blurb. Really, if it has your name on it, you should stand by the writing and it’s...

Margin Shift

I’m delighted to be doing another Zoom-Because-of-Shelter-in-Place reading, this time for  Margin Shift, Thursday June 18 at 7pm. As its name implies, Margin Shift is the most diverse reading series in Seattle, but also the one that features the most challenging...

#APPF13 Wrapup (What I Wrote)

It seems rather overwhelming to summarize my experience as a participant of the 13th August Poetry Postcard Fest which longtime participant Terry Holzman a few years ago nicknamed PoPo and an anthology in 2017 called the “56 Days of August.” Yet here I am,...