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Cascadia Poetry Festival 8 Paul E Nelson at the microphone

Paul E Nelson presenting at Cascadia Poetry Festival 8, photo by Leszek Chudzinski

Over the past decade or so, no one has done more for poetry in the Pacific Northwest than has Paul Nelson.– Sam Hamill

Letter for Diane di Prima Park

Letter for Diane di Prima Park

30-December-2020 LaMonte Bishop City of San Francisco Parks & Recreation To the Honorable LaMonte Bishop, I am writing to urge you to rename Page-Laguna Park in SF:...

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Diane di Prima Solstice Poem

Thank you Leggy Bruck for this: And di Prima fans should know about this: Rename Page-Laguna Mini Park to Diane DiPrima Park Why is this important? PETITION to Rename Page-Laguna Park as “Diane di...

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My Personal Universe Deck

My Personal Universe Deck

What's good for the goose... It was about 20 years ago (2000?) when I first learned about Michael McClure's concept of a Personal Universe Deck and 8 years ago when I took some of my retreat time at...

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12.9.2020 American Sentence

12.9.2020 American Sentence

The end of 2020 (aside from spawning millions of "good riddance" celebrations) marks the completion of twenty years of daily practice of American Sentences. These (usually) 17 syllable poems, a form...

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Rainier Beach Arts & Crafts Market

I am delighted to be part of the Rainier Beach Arts & Crafts Market, Saturday, December 5 from 11am to 3pm. Thanks to Ellen VanderWey, I'll be displaying books at 8735 Hamlet Ave S, a couple of...

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Reading in Courtenay BC

Reading in Courtenay BC

Thanks to the efforts of Ed Varney, I'll give a short reading at ARTFUL Gallery in Courtenay, BC on Sunday, August 28th at 7pm. (526C Cumberland Road.) There will be open mic and there is a...

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Frank Abe and Paul E Nelson

An interview with Frank Abe, co-editor of the new anthology The Literature of Japanese American Incarceration, conducted September 20, 2024 by Paul E Nelson

Frank Abe on the Literature of Japanese-American Incarceration

by Paul E Nelson