The latest in this series of poems written in 2014 and archived here cover ground from Lorine Niedecker, to Michael...
Paul E Nelson Blog
Margin Shift Reading Series
It has been described by one Seattle writer as a reading series that leans toward: "the academic, conceptual and...
Hillman City Haibun 9 Anagrams
It was probably in 1995 or '96 that Danika Dinsmore made me aware of a form of poetry called Present Beau, a kind of...
After the Japanese 41-44
This series of poems, posted four at a time and archived here, continues with some written on a short retreat in...
Robin Blaser’s Last Interview
I was searching for my interview with Robin Blaser online and it appears the link that was the best, from Lou...
Gig Alert! Seattle Center, Rainier Valley, Tacoma
Gigs Ahoy! I'll be participating in several readings over the next few weeks. I'll have manuscript versions of Pig War...
Hillman City Haibun 8 (Resistance is Futile)
The photo did not crash the internet, but got my friends talking, or expressing concern from Seattle to Cuba to Moscow...
Albulhassan, Clark, Greco, Triese Chapbooks
I am so envious of these four chapbooks and delighted they were gifts recently given to me. All from Cascadians and...
Cascadian Spirituality
I should not have been so naïve to think a post that referenced religion would have gone by without someone reacting...
Hillman City Haibun 7, Father, Lawns, Bangs, Chickens
Going through Fatherhood a second time, there are many notions that go through my mind on a regular basis. One is what...
After The Japanese 37-40
I'm going over the manuscript of these poems written last year, a few at a time, and marveling at how prolific was one...
The Sacramental Aspect of Habitation
“And that is what a poet Is, children, one who creates Sacramental relationships That last always.” - Kenneth Rexroth...