I had the good fortune to visit Bill Porter, the translator of ancient Chinese poetry and sacred texts, and interview...
Paul E Nelson Blog
Notes on The Undercommons
Nate Mackey tipped me off a few years ago to the work of Fred Moten and few months ago I came across a New Yorker...
Write On Door County Sept 2019 Residency
I'm near the end of my week-long writing residency at Write On Door County. Postcard poet Sharon Auberle tipped me off...
Happiness & Spirituality
my friend Jason Wirth is producing a couple of worthwhile events: Happiness & Spirituality How the concept of...
The Cards I Got (APPF13 2019)
I have been holding off on taking and posting my annual picture of poetry postcards received during this year's August...
SPLAB @ &Now Cascadia by Anthology
I am delighted to be part of the &Now Conference, which is being staged at UW-Bothell, September 19-22, 2019, with...
#APPF13 Wrapup (What I Wrote)
It seems rather overwhelming to summarize my experience as a participant of the 13th August Poetry Postcard Fest which...
The Joy of Postcards (Aug 2019 Reviews)
I titled my APPF essay for Rattle "The Joy of Postcards" but even though I was likening this activity to the subject...
Deborah Poe Interview (June 30, 2019)
Deborah Poe is the author of the poetry collections keep (from Dusie Press), the last will be stone, too (Stockport...
Interviewed by Ethelbert Miller
I was honored to be the subject of an interview by Ethelbert Miller for his weekly radio program in Washington, D.C.,...
Subud House/Spring Street Center/Open House
I rarely write about my spiritual community, Subud, because one of Subud's cultural mores is to NOT proselytize and in...
August POetry POstcard Fest 2020 (Official Call) #APPF14
The August Poetry Postcard Fest was initiated in 2007 by poets Paul Nelson and Lana Ayers. 2020 marks the 14th year of...