Cascadia Poetics LAB logo


Paul E Nelson, CV (Resume here)


Cascadia: A Braided Land

March 1 & 2, headliner at UBCO, Kelowna, BC, Cascadia: A Braided Land.

February 24, 25, Talks on Bioregionalism at Christo Rey High School, Seattle.

February 8, Paul interviewed by Melissa Lemay.

February 4, Host/Reader of Winter in America (Again launch at Seattle U.Winter in America (Again Cover

February 1, Wrote: Imbolc 2025 Dharma Position Daysong

January 25, Interviewed Andrew Schelling, via Zoom, on Forests, Temples, Glacial Rivers. (Audio.)

January 20, Co-host of Winter in America (Again Zoom launch, part II.

January 19, Co-Editor of Winter in America (Again: Poets Respond to 2024 Election, Carbonation Press.

January 19, Co-host of Winter in America (Again Zoom launch, part I.

January 5 – February 6, Facilitated Life as Rehearsal for the Poem and Poetics as Cosmology online workshops.


December 11, Featured reader at Poetry Bridge.

December 4, Interview Harold Rhenisch on Salmon Shanties: A Cascadian Song Cycle, at Harrison Hot Springs, BC.

November 1-3, Produced 8th Cascadia Poetry Festival, Seattle.CPF8 Banner

October 19, Interview with Jane Falk and Mary Paniccia Carden on Joanne Kyger: A Poet in Place and Time.

Sept 29-October 31, Facilitated Life as Rehearsal for the Poem and Poetics as Cosmology workshops via Zoom.

Sept 20, Interview Frank Abe on The Literature of Japanese American Incarceration.

September 1, wrote: Daysong of Thoughtless Emptiness.

August 26, participated in reading from Cascadian Zen: Volume I, on Quadra Island, with Robert Bringhurst, Ray Griggs, Jan Zwicky, others.

August 23-24, Read and facilitated a Cascadian Zen workshop in Cumberland, BC.

August 22, Featured reader at Mountain Rain Zen Center, Vancouver, BC, reading from Cascadian Zen Volume I.

August 17, Featured reader at Bradner Gardens wiuth Jim O’Halloran Quartet.

July 22-25, Facilitated Poetics as Cosmology workshops in Holden Village.

July 14, Produced Postcards from Here, Olympic Sculpture Park, Be’er Sheva Park.

June 23, Interview Cecil Giscombe in Prince George, BC.

June 22, read at Barry McKinnon’s memorial service, Prince George, BC

May 25, Interviewed Robert Michael Pyle in Astoria, OR.

May 19-June 16, Facilitated Life as Rehearsal for the Poem workshop via Zoom.

April 30, Read at Broadway Books, Portland, from Cascadian Zen Volume I.

April 11, Interviewed BY Roxi Power for The Hive Poetry Collective podcast.

March 26, Interviewed Bill Porter (Red Pine) on Dancing With the Dead.

April 21, Read at Village Books in Bellingham from Cascadian Zen Volume I.

Daysong Miracle (Past 62)April 20, Read at People’s Co-op Bookstore in Vancouver, BC, from Cascadian Zen: Volume I.

April 11, DaySong Miracle (Past 62), published by Carbonation Press in Spokane, WA.

March 29 wrote typewriter poems with Samar Abulhassan at Seattle Art Museum as part of SAM’s Remix.

March 6 interviewed Wisconsin Poet Laureate Nicholas Gulig on Lorine Niedecker.

Cascadian Prophets Interviews 1999-2023

Cascadian Prophets Interviews 1999-2023

February 22, interviewed Tessa Hulls on (Feeding Ghosts.)

February 14, featured reader at Poetry Bridge, C&P Coffee, West Seattle.

February 2, Launched Cascadian Prophets: Interviews 1999-2023, at the Columbia City Gallery at the 30th anniversary celebration of the Cascadia Poetics Lab.

January 31, wrote: What Did I Get Myself Into? (Imbolc DaySong 2024)

January 12, interviewed Roxi Power on The Songs Objects Would Sing.


Dec 8, interviewed with Jason Wirth, Cate Gable and Robert Michael Pyle about Cascadian Zen on KMUN-FM, Astoria by Jim Dott.

Dec 7, reading for Cascadian Zen at Peninsula College, Port Angeles, with Jason Wirth, Adelia MacWilliam, Tess Gallagher,Alice Derry, Cate Gable, Tim McNulty and Holly Hughes.

Dec 3, interviewed by Sharon Thesen on my interviewing process for the introduction to Cascadian Prophets: Interviews 1999-2023.

Oct 22, interviewed Robert Bringhurst on The Ridge. (Part 1.) (Part 2.) (Part 3.)

Cascadian Zen front cover 2023 02 13Oct 6-8, produced 7th Cascadia Poetry Festival in Seattle at the Spring Street Center and Kubota Garden.

Sept 28, interviewed Lorna Dee Cervantes on April on Olympia.

September 8, featured reader at Seattle University, PACT 2023: The 14th Annual Meeting of the
Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition, with Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs, Claudia Castro Luna and John Olson.

September 8, Wrote: DaySong Miracle (Past 62)

Sept 1, co-editor of Cascadian Zen Volume i: Bioregional Writings on Cascadia Here and Now, published. by Watershed Press.

July 31, interviewed John Tanner on Richard Brautigan and How to Make an America.

July 9, participated in Greg Bem’s The Tunnel literary and arts crawl, Mt. Baker (Seattle)

July 4 interviewed Stephen Thomas on What Is Between Us. (Part 1.) (Part 2.)

June 14 interviewed Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs on ¿how many indians can we be?

May 30, interviewed Ann Batchelor Hursey and Lou Cabeen on The Columbia River Confluence Project.

May 21, interviewed Matt Meyer on IPRA 2023.

April 26 interviewed Carletta Carrington Wilson on James Washington Jr.

April 4, postcard poem “1047. Voluntary Hallucinations” published in I Sing The Salmon Home an anthology edited by Rena Priest and published by Empty Bowl Press.May 30.

March 25, interviewed Felicia Rice and Theresa Whitehill on Heavy Lifting art book via Zoom for Cascadian Prophets.

February 18, wrote: Another DaySong (1980)

February 1, posted interview with Shuri Kido and translators Tomoyuki Endo and Forrest Gander for Cascadian Prophets.

January 24, Postcard Poem 1025. Yellow Feather published in Coal Literary.

January 15, Two poems from FLEXIBLE MIND published in feathers: Time Barb Produce I, White Bluff, TN.

January 1, Interview with Brenda Hillman on In A Few Minutes Before Later.


December 22, Essay Neo-Barroco: The Missing Group of the New American Poetry publsihed by MDPI.

December 8, interviewed Wendy Call on Irma Pineda on In The Belly of the Night and Other Poems.

December 1, interviewed by David Gilmour for Sound Poetry.

October 21, Interview with Claudia Castro Luna published at Poetry NW.

Oct 18, read as part of War, Peace and Resistance, UW HUB Room 145.

Oct 17, reading at HeartSpace in Lake City for Raul Sanchez. Read all of Day Song of Casa del Colibrí.

October 14, interviewed Pierre Joris.

September 26, interviewed poet Ricardo Ruiz.

September 17, Part of CPL outreach reading in Seaview, WA. See this Chinook Observer article.

Sept 5, interviewed David Berger on Fumiko Kimura.

Sept 1, wrote Day Song of Casa Del Colibrí.

August 12, interviewed 96 year old postcard poet Alice Glover.

August 11, Interviewed artist Farrah Karapetian.

July 17, interviewed poet Michael Daley on Fidalgo Island.

July 8, read with Jim O’Halloran Trio at Kezira Café in Seattle.

July 4, directed (& participated in) the 16th Poetry Postcard Fest.

May 29, Review of Haibun de la Serna by Pablo Baler published in Exacting Clam No. 5, Summer 2022.

May 16, Interviewed J.L. Kleinberg on her Found Poems Exhibition at Peter Miller Books.

May 6, read with Jim O’Halloran Trio at Kezira Ethiopian Café.

May 5, Interviewed Patrick Mazza.

April 13, Launch of Haibun de la Serna at Poetry Bridge, C&P Coffeehouse, West Seattle. VIDEO OF THE READING.

March 29, Interviewed Jenny Penberthy on Lorine Niedecker’s “Calendar Poems.”

March 21, Talk on Poetics as Cosmology given at Cal State L.A.

February 28, Interviewed Solihin Thom on Proprioception.

February 25, read with Jim O’Halloran Trio at Kezira Ethiopian Café.

Haibun de la Serna cover (front)February 17 – Featured reader at SICA Zoomuse Poems for Peace. Teaser video here. Whole reading.

January 18, Haibun de la Serna published by Goldfish Press.

January 6, Two poems from FLEXIBLE MIND (FLEXIBLE MIND (for Rob Lewis)) and YOU ARE A BIRD) published in Wildlife of the Underworld by Plants & Poetry Journal.







November 1, Featured reading via Zoom for NW Renaissance/Striped Water Poets, Auburn, WA

October 31, presentation with Jason Wirth to European Beat Studies Network on Beat Breath.

Oct 20, 911. As You Say it (from Postcards from the Pandemic) published in Philosophy and Global Affairs, 1:2, 2021, p. 178

October 11, Interview Andrew Schelling on Beat Breath.

October, Online workshop season begins with Paul facilitating Poetics as Cosmology 2021 and LARFP2.

October, Served on Nomination Committee for the Port Townsend Writers Conference.

September 26, Interviewed by Greg Bem.

September 18, Participated in Michael McClure memorial tribute at Cal Shakes, Orinda, CA.

September 15, Launched Cascadian Prophets podcast.

September 1, Subject of feature in Subud Voice.

September 1, American Sentences (Second Edition) published by Apprentice House.

September 1, re-branded SPLAB to Cascadia Poetics LAB.

August 20 visited Wilson’s Bowl, Salt Spring Island, BC.

July 28, Interviewed Robert Lashley.

July 28, participated in Greg Bem’s Mt. Baker Viewpoint reading, performing with Jim O’Halloran:

July 7, interviewed Larissa Lai.

July 4, Produced the 15th Poetry Postcard Fest.

June 30, Interview Jeanne Heuving on Nate Mackey Destination Out.

June 15, postcard poem accepted by the International Mail Art Exhibition, Kayseri, Turkey.

June 6, 13, 20, 27, July 4, facilitated Life as Rehearsal for the Poem workshop.

June 6, Interview with David Stephen Calonne, author of Diane di Prima: Visionary Poetics and the Hidden Traditions.

May 29, essay The Poetry Postcard Fest: Black Mountain Style co-authored with Margaret Lee, published on the website of the Journal for Black Mountain College Studies. (pdf)

May 24, interviewed Michael Boughn on Jack Clarke.

May 21, Poem Ode to Malcolm published by South Seattle Emerald.

May 18, Interviewed by Hamish Todd for his podcast.

May 9, participated in Michael McClure Memorial reading for City Lights.

April 22, interviewed Sharon Thesen on The Wig Maker.

April 20 interviewed Janet Gallant on The Wig Maker.

April 4, 11, 18, 25, Facilitated the workshop A Sequence of Energies.

April 2, 2021, some American Sentences published in pocket lint, New Westminster, BC

April 1, 2021, Interviewed by Wild Roof Journal:


March 28 interviewed Holly J. Hughes.

March 5, 2021, reading for Zoomuse (Subud International Cultural Association)

February 2021 Workshop Facilitated: (Seriality: A Workshop (4 weeks)

Feb 2021 Interview:

January 24, interviewed Andrew Schelling on The Facts at Dog Tank Spring.

January 22, interviewed Ian Boyden on Name as Fundamental Pattern.

January 1, Elegy for Michael featured on BACKSTORY OF THE POEM.



October/November 2020 Six Week Workshop: Poetics as Cosmology
Poem 478. Hipster Cancer published at Bigger Than Ben Hur blog, Oct 27, 2020.

Facilitated six week Poetics as Cosmology course, Oct-Nov, 2020.

Poet’s Obituary for Diane di Prima published in Journal of the Plague Year, Oct, 2020.

Participant and workshop facilitator at the Blue River Writers Gathering (zoom) September 26, 2020. What Does it Mean to be a Cascadian? (pdf)

Soneto de Cascadia – COVID-19 Sonnet, published in Journal of the Plague Year, Sept 20, 2020.

American Sentence practice highlighted in The Press Enterprise, Riverside, CA, Sept 12, 2020.

Interviewed Iris Cushing on The First Books of David Henderson and Mary Körte: A Research, via Zoom, September 6, 2020.

Participant in the Community of Writers at Sq— (virtual) Valley, June 20-27, 2020. (Zoom) Faculty: Brenda Hillman, Bob Hass, Camille Dungy, Major Jackson.

Featured reader at Margin Shift, Seattle, (Zoom) June 18, 2020.

Work published in the final Dispatches from the Poetry Wars, May 31, 2020.

Interviewed by Tim Green for, and work published in, Rattle Magazine, #68, May, 2020.

Zoom presentation on Michael McClure, The Undercommons Literary Salon, Memorial Day, May 25, 2020.

Featured reader, Zoomuse series, SICA-International, via Zoom, May 22, 2020.

Featured reader Virtual Bridgewater International Poetry Festival, May 22, 2020.

Participating reader Strange Fruit, Northwind Reading Series, via Zoom, May 14, 2020.

Interview work included in: Poetics for the More-than-Human World: An Anthology of Poetry and Commentary, May, 2020.

Awarded a grant from PEN America’s Emergency Writers Fund, New York, April, 2020.

Launched second, expanded edition of A Time Before Slaughter/Pig War: & Other Songs of Cascadia, April 11, 2020, via Zoom.

Work published in Chrysanthemum 2020 Literary Anthology, Goldfish Press, Seattle, March 2020.

Awarded a Relief Grant from Artist Trust, Seattle, March, 2020.

Read at MLA Off-Site reading, Seattle, January 10, 2020.

Read at memorial for Judith Roche, Jack Straw Productions, January 5, 2020.

Interviewed Miriam Nichols on A Literary Biography of Robin Blaser, Mechahnic of Splendor, Jan 2, 2020.
Work published in The Mud Proposal, January 1, 2020.


Began series of interviews with PoPo participants, Nov 30-Dec 14, 2019.
Featured reader Writers Read, Grace Hudson Museum, Ukiah, CA, Oct 25, 2019.
Interviewed Mary Norbert Körte, October 24-26, 2019, in Willets, CA.

Bill Porter in the building that will be a meditation center at Fort Worden

Co-founded The Undercommons Literary Salon, debut, October 7, 2019.
Writing residency at Write On Door County, September, 2019.
Panel participant: Cascadia By Anthology, &Now Convergence Literary Festival, UB-Bothell (WA), September 20, 2019.
Interview with translator Bill Porter (Red Pine), August 28, 2019, Port Townsend, WA

Paul E Nelson interviewed by E. Ethelbert Miller for WPFW-FM’s On The Margin, July 25, 2019:

Writer-in-Residence at Centrum’s Port Townsend Writers Conference, July 14-21, 2019.
Produced and administered the 13th August POetry POstcard Fest, July 4-Aug 31, 2019.
Poems published in inaugural edition of Sons and Daughters, July 4, 2019.
Essay The Joy of Postcards published online by Rattle Magazine, June 9, 2019.
Interviewer (three on stage live interviews) featured reader and workshop facilitator at Bridgewater International Poetry Festival, Bridgewater, Virginia, May 13-19, 2019.
Director of 6th Cascadia Poetry Festival-Anacortes 2019, a Tribute to Sam Hamill, May 9-12, 2019.
Make it True meets MedusarioCo-Editor of bilingual poetry anthology Make it True meets Medusario, Pleasure Boat Studio, May 2019.
Co-Editor Samthology: Tribute to Sam Hamill, May, 2019.
Read at launch of For Love of Orcas, Mt. Baker Theater, Bellingham, May 3, 2019.
Poem “Elegy for Tahlequah’s Calf” published in For Love of Orcas anthology, April, 2019.
Taught Sound Poetry (Ghost Tantras &c) at Giddens School to combined K1 classes, April 17, 2019.

Zhang Er

Zhang Er at her Olympia home, April 13, 2019

Interviewed Zhang Er, about her book First Mountain, April 13, 2019.
Participated as panelist for Two Countries at Orcas Island Lit Fest, April 6, 2019,
Featured speaker, MSU-Billings, in Tami Haaland’s class, March 26, 2019.
Featured reader, with Dave Casario and Tami Haaland, at Ed Kemmick House Party, Billings, March 25, 2019.
Facilitated interview workshop at Montana State University-Billings, March 25, 2019
Interviewed by Chris Mancini, Spokane Public Radio, March 22, 2019.
Featured Reader, Fifteen Minutes of Infamy, February 20, 2019, Nanaimo, BC.
Interviewed Peter Levitt, Salt Spring Island, February 20, 2019.
Featured reader/workshop facilitator, Cascadia Poetics LAB/Red Tree reading series, Cumberland, BC, February 17, 2019
Workshop Facilitator (The Art of the Interview) Nanaimo, BC, February 16, 2019.
Featured Reader, Planet Earth Poetry, Victoria, BC, February 15, 2019.
Named Interview Editor for Dispatches from the Poetry Wars, February, 2019.
Interviewed George Lakey on How We Win, Seattle, January 11, 2019.


Published American Prophets (Interviews 1994-2012), December 14, 2018.
Featured speaker, SPLAB 25th Anniversary, White River Valley Museum, Auburn, WA, December 14, 2018. (Video.)
Featured reader, Striped Water Poets, Auburn, WA, December 3, 2018.
Workshop facilitator, The Art of the Interview, Menucha Retreat Center, Corbett, OR, Nov 9, 10, 2018.
Featured reader/workshop facilitator at Cascadia Poetry Festival-Cumberland, BC, September 6-9, 2018.
Featured reader at BAAM Fest, Rainier Beach, August 19, 2018.
Featured reader at annual Bradner Gardens concert with Jim O’Halloran Quintet, August 18, 2018.
Poem Elegy for Tahlequah’s Calf published in Cascadia Magazine, July 30, 2018.

From Cascadia Magazine August 8, 2018

Emcee/Curator for Easyspeak, Wedgwood Ale House, July 9 (Poetry Postcards and July 23, 2018 (Slametan for Sam Hamill.)

Workshop presenter (poetry postcards) at Poets in the Park, Redmond, WA, July 7, 2018.

Facilitated 12th Annual August Poetry Postcard Fest, 293 worldwide participants.

Essay on 20 year Cascadia bioregional cultural investigation published in Planet Drum Pulse newsletter, June, 2018.

Produced Becoming Cascadian event, Rainier Beach, May 31-June 3, 2018, including visit by Keynote Poet Andrew Schelling.

Why You Should Still Become a Cascadian published in the South Seattle Emerald, May 26, 2018.

George Stanley, Your Humble Narrator, George Bowering, May 6, 2018, Vancouver, BC

Workshop, high school workshops and featured reading in Twisp and Winthrop, Washington, May 10,11, 2018.

Interview George Bowering and George Stanley, Vancouver, BC, May 6, 2018.

Why You Should Become a Cascadian, published in South Seattle Emerald, May 7, 2018.

Featured reading Ellensburg Poetry Prowl, April 7, 2018.
Featured reading for 56 Days of August, Red Berry Coffee Bar, Los Altos, CA, March 25, 2018.
Featured reading for 56 Days of August, at Book Passage, Ferry Building, San Francisco, CA, March 24, 2018.
Featured poet (with John Olson) at Poetry Bridge, C&P Coffeehouse, West Seattle, March 14, 2018.
Residency at Whiteley Center, San Juan Island, March 1-6, 2018.
Interview with Andrew Schelling, Elliott Bay Book Company, February 24, 2018.
Featured reading/Interview at Northwind Art Gallery, Port Townsend, WA, with Andrew Schelling, February 22, 2018.

Interview with Rob Lewis, February 21, 2018.

Your Humble Narrator and Claudia Castro Luna

Interview with Washington State Poet Laureate Claudia Castro Luna, January 24, 2018.
Featured reading at Red Tree reading series, Courtenay, BC, January 22, 2018.
Talk on Cascadia Poetry to Wordstorm, Nanaimo, BC, Sunday, January 21, 2018.


698. Evidence Based-Poem published by Rattle’s Poets Respond series, Dec 17, 2017.
Launched Easy Speak Rainier Beach, an extension of the open mic series that happens at the Wedgwood Ale House. Co-Organizer, Emcee. Dec 4, 2017, Jude’s.

Interview with trans poet and teacher Finn Menzies, Nov 21, 2017.
Interviewed Tina Schumann, editor of Two Countries: Daughters and Sons of Immigrant Parents, Nov 17, 2017
Director of the 5th Cascadia Poetry Festival, Tacoma, WA, October 12-15, 2017.
Moderator of a panel on Poetry Postcards, Mt. Baker Theater, Bellingham, WA, October 9, 2017.

Featured reader with Bill Yake, Striped Water Poets, Rainbow Cafe, Auburn, WA, October 2, 2017.
Featured reader, Death Rattle Writer’s Fest, Nampa, ID, October 5, 2017.
Co-Editor with work published in 56 Days of August: Poetry Postcards, October 1, 2017.
Panel moderator at Cascadia Poetry Festival, Cumberland, BC, September 9, 2017.
Featured reader at Cascadia Poetry Festival, Cumberland, BC, September 8, 2017.
Featured reader with Jim O’Halloran Quintet at Bradner Gardens concert, Seattle, August 12, 2017.
Interviewed Brenda Hillman on Seasonal Works with Letters on Fire, Kensington, CA, August 4, 2017.
Administered the 11th annual August Poetry Postcard Fest, July 4-August 31, 2017.
Featured reading at Thomas Walton’s Art Party, Capitol Hill, May 13, 2017.
Read at PageBoy Magazine release, Vermillion, May 5, 2017.
Published A Letter to Sam Hamill in PageBoy Magazine IX 17, April 28.

On panel with Stephen Collis and Sarah Dowling at Cascadia College, Poetics of Resistance, Also read at Anderson School, April 27.

Performed with Jim O’Halloran at Columbia City Gallery, April 22. Reactions to a Fractured Nation.

Featured reader at Margin Shift, April 20.


Work published in WA129, an anthology of poets in Washington state. Read at book launch, at the State Capitol in Olympia, April 13.

Emcee and featured reader Jazz & Poetry, Taos, NM. Interviewed with Quincy Troupe, April 7-8, 2017, Taos, NM.

Featured reader, Poetry at Red Tree, Courtenay, BC, March 6.

Interviewed Stephen Collis, March 3.

Featured reader, Tsunami Books, Eugene, OR, February 18, 2017.

Poems After the Japanese 45 & 47 published in Winter 2017 edition of Solitary Plover. (Friends of Lorine Niedecker newsletter.)

Poem After On Chains accepted for publication in Resist Much/Obey Little anthology, Spuyten Duyvil Press.

Performed with Jim O’Halloran Trio (Evan Flory-Barnes, D’Vonne Lewis at Lake Chad Cafe) Seattle. January 20, 2017. (Read from Star People: & Other Peace and Blues Postcards.)

Published 71. Goodbye 2016 (from After On Time series) in Hineni Magazine, January 1, 2017. (See also this post about the process.)


Poems in/Co-Editor of Footsteps, anthology Cave Moon Press, Yakima, WA, Nov 2016.
Founding Director, 4th Cascadia Poetry Festival, Nov 3-6, 2016.
Featured Reader, Words & Music, Key Peninsula, with Jim O’Halloran on flute, Oct 22, 2016.
kozer_book_coverrevThree Friends Carousel (Tiovivo Tres Amigos), a 2015 interview conducted with José Kozer, published by Ranchos Press of New Mexico. October 15, 2016

Interviewed Jeanne Heuving on The Transmutation of Love and Avant-Garde Poetics, Oct 14, 2016.

Featured Reader, Tacoma Lit Crawl, Oct 5, 2016.
Participant Blue River Writers Gathering, Andrews Experimental Forest, Blue River, OR, Sept 30-Oct 2, 2016.
Featured Reader at Bradner Gardens with Jim O’Halloran Quintet, August 13, 2016.
Interview with Ed Harney, Fanny Bay, BC, August 9, 2016.

Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun

Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun

Interviewed Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun, Vancouver, BC, August 6, 2016.
Read at Subud National Congress, Indianapolis, Indiana, Wyndham Indianapolis West, July 8, 2016.
Featured reader with Flutist James O’Halloran at Another Read Through, Portland, OR, June 3.
ti-TCR 13 For Jamie Reid

Published poem Never Alone (Elegy for Jamie Reid) in The Capilano Review ti-TCR 13, May 2016.

Review of American Sentences by Thomas Walton published in Pageboy Magazine, Seattle, May.

Speaker at Rainier Valley Rotary on Poetry and Cascadia, May 17.

Conducted interview with Seattle poet and teacher Judith Roche, May 11.

Conducted interview with Seattle poet and UW Professor Emeritus Colleen McElroy, April 27.

Featured reader in Taos, NM, backed by the Greg Abate Quartet at Jazz & Poetry, April 16.

Featured Talk/Workshop on American Sentences at Cascadia College, April 7.
Reading with Jim O’Halloran at Spring Street Center on April 3.

Hosted reading on 6th floor of Angeline with Barry McKinnon, Judith Roche & Bill Mawhinney, March 3.

On MOOC panel, Cascadia College, on Innovative Cascadia Poetry, March 3.
Interview Ian Boyden on Ai Weiwei, February 7.


Make It True

Make It True

Featured reader/speaker at Make It True: Poetry From Cascadia Victoria release, January 14.
Featured reader/speaker at Make It True: Poetry From Cascadia Vancouver release, January 13.





PEN & Jim O'Halloran (photo credit Faiza Sultan)

PEN & Jim O’Halloran (photo credit Faiza Sultan)

Published interview with Jerry Martien, December.

Published interview with Cheryl Seidner, Wiyot Tribe, December.

American Sentences/Housewarming Party at the Angeline,  with Jim O’Halloran, Dec 5.

Review of third Cascadia Poetry Festival and interview with Sam Hamill published in Malpais Review, November.
American Sentences book release party at Andaluz, Nov 8.
Hosted Poetry Jam and presented on Buddhism, Latihan and American Sentences at the 4th European Beat Studies Network conference in Brussels, Belgium, Oct 28-31.

Featured Reader/Workshop Facilitator, first Tacoma Poetry Festival, October 16/17.

Buy the book, $11.99.

Buy the book, $11.99.

Book American Sentences is published by Apprentice House, October 15.
Featured reader annual Bradner Gardens concert with Jim O’Halloran Quintet, Aug 29.
Featured reader Couth Buzzard Books, Seattle, August 28.
Facilitated and participated in 9th August Poetry Postcard Fest, August.
Emcee, reader in a Make It True: Poetry From Cascadia reading, Portland, OR, June 24, 2015 at Milepost 5.

July 1, Awarded $5,000 (through SPLAB) for Massive Open Online Course on Innovative Cascadia Poetry from 4Culture.
June 21, 2015 participant in Duwamish Revealed.
June 17, 2015 participant in the last Breadline/Anthology release party, with work published in the book.

3rd iteration of Cascadia Poetry Festival (which Paul founded) was conducted in Nanaimo, BC, Apr 30-May 3. I was emcee, panel member and featured reader.

Make It True

Make It True

Chief Editor (of Make It True: Poetry From Cascadia (anthology) Make It True, published by Leaf Press, May 1, 2015.

Consultant to the 3rd Cascadia Poetry Festival, Nanaimo, BC, April 30-May 3, 2015.





20150411_133924 SJI Poetry Walk Photo by Chris Clarke

Photo by Chris Clarke

Featured poet at guided poetry walk, American Camp, San Juan Island, April 11.
Co-facilitated poetry workshop/bout demo at Newcastle Library, April 4.
Featured reader at Distinguished Writer’s Series, Tacoma, WA, March 13.
Featured reader in inaugural Rainier Valley Lit Crawl, March 8.
Participant with Four Hoarse Men in Cornish College residency, Post-Disciplinary Texts, Feb-March, 2015.

Paul Nelson with José Kozer, January 19, 2015, Hallendale Beach, FL

Paul Nelson with José Kozer, January 19, 2015, Hallendale Beach, FL

Interview with Cuban poet José Kozer, Hallendale Beach, FL, January 18, 19, 2015.


Featured reader at Ghost Tokens, Mt. Baker Park, Seattle, with Matt Timmons, Nadine Maestas, Amber Nelson, Jess B. Adkins, December 21, 2014.

Featured reader at Seattle/St. Paul, with Wang Ping, Mark Fleury and Ace Moore, St. Paul, MN, Nov 30, 2014.

WLA LogoPresented at the Western Literature Association’s annual conference on Animating Cascadia, Victoria, BC, Nov 6, 2014.

Morris Graves Mesostic published in Floating Bridge Review, No 7., Nov ’14.

Paul Nelson and Dan Blunck 9.20.14 Poems for Peace at Subud House (Seattle)

Paul Nelson/Dan Blunck

Awarded $500 SICA grant to do outreach to Vancouver and Errington, BC, to begin to determine the feasibility of SICA using the Cascadia Poetry Festival as outreach, October 18-20.

Gig with Dan Blunck’s Existential Trio, Rhythm & Rye, Olympia, WA, October 13.

Report of GLBTQ meeting at the 14th Subud World Congress in Puebla, Mexico, published on the Subud California blog, Oct 7.
Featured reader at Da’daedal Fremont Abbey, Sept 23.
Produced, hosted and performed at the 2nd Poems for Peace event at Spring Street Center, Seattle, Sept 20.

Poem Here Pig (from Pig War & Other Songs of Cascadia) published at the Porkopolis website (Considering the pig, a single-minded bestiary), September 17.

"I have gathered here some fine slops concocted of other thinkers choicest morsels, and nothing but the bucket that holds them all is mine own." - Daniel E. Schultz, Porkopolis Editor.

“I have gathered here some fine slops concocted of other thinkers choicest morsels, and nothing but the bucket that holds them all is mine own.” – Daniel E. Schultz, Porkopolis Editor.

Guest talk/workshop at Scribes youth writing class, Richard Hugo House, Aug 20.
Performed at SICA‘s Poems for Peace at the 14th Subud World Congress, Puebla, Mexico, August. Also hosted the SICA auction in Puebla and raised $7,500 for SICA and was a panelist and moderator at the Future of Storytelling event.

Host/Emcee for Marion Kimes Memorial at Spring Street Center, July 27.

Coordinated and participated in the 8th August Poetry Postcard Fest, July-August, with 425 participating poets from around the world.

The Capilano Review

The Capilano Review

June 2014, Conducted an interview with Peter Culley.

May 24, 2014, read at the Subud National Congress, Pittsburgh, PA.
Director 2nd Cascadia Poetry Festival, Seattle, May 1-4, 2014. Attendance increased by over 400% from first iteration in 2012. Consulting the local organizing committee in Nanaimo, BC, for the 3rd Cascadia Poetry Festival in 2015.

April 23, 2014, Curated a reading and read at the Maple Valley, WA public library.

Feb 2014, Conducted an interview with David Buuck and Juliana Spahr.
Jan 2014, Conducted interview with Daphne Marlatt.

January, 30. The Day the Weather Decided to Die published in Capilano Review as winner of the third Robin Blaser Award, January.


December, won Robin Blaser Award from The Capilano Review, North Vancouver, BC. Judge, George Bowering.
Dec 13, essay Why Cascadia: Why Poetry? published in Raven Chronicles, Seattle.

Screen shot 2013-12-03 at 11.43.44 PM

Cal State U at L.A. Dec 3, 2013

Dec 3, Guest Lecturer at Cal State University at Los Angeles.
Nov 13, read English translations of poems by Jose Kozer at the Last Word Bookstore in Los Angeles, an event sponsored by Cal State University at L.A.

Morris Graves Residency Report

Morris Graves Residency Report

Nov 3-12, conducted residency at the Lake, awarded by the Morris Graves Foundation, Loleta, CA. Completed two manuscripts Pig War & Other Songs of Cascadia and Haibun de la Serna.
September 21, organized Poems for Peace at Spring Street Center, Seattle.


Poems for Peace poster

September 2, Poetry Postcard afterword.
August 21, interviewed Seattle poet Graham Isaac.
August ’13, August ’13, poems published in the RASP Anthology.
August ’13, Talk on some Beat concepts given to Beats on the Peaks course at the North Cascades Institute, August 15, 2013.

Poesia Organica (Back)

Poesia Organica (Back)

August ’13, essay Organic in Cascadia: A Sequence of Energies published in English and Portuguese by Lumme Editions of Brazil.
August ’13, facilitated visit by Moroccan poet and Beat scholar, El Habib Louai to several Seattle venues and to the North Cascades Institute.

July ’13, A Little History- The Deeply Personal as Political (Some notes on a book by Ammiel Alcalay), published by Zen Monster, Elberon, NJ.
July ’13, 7th annual August Poetry Postcard Fest begins.
June ’13, hybrid essay/review of Lisa Jarnot’s Robert Duncan: Ambassador from Venus, published in Big Bridge 17.
June ’13, Coordinated/hosted/performed at the 12th Allen Ginsberg Memorial Poetry Marathon, Seattle.
April ’13, haibun 86. Hold The House Sparrow translated into Chinese.
April 26, Interviewed Portland poet, teacher and organizer David Abel.

Chang'an Hall of Fame

Chang’an Hall of Fame

Awarded the Chang’an Poetry Festival Hall of Fame award for being the best featured reader for the 2011-2012 season at the festival in Xi’an, China, April 2013.

April ’13, July 2012 interview with Nate Mackey published in Amerarcana: A Bird & Beckett Review.

April ‘13, For Kurt Cobain published in Planet Earth Poetry Anthology, Victoria, BC,
also a reading given at the PfPE launch party in Victoria, BC, April 12, 2013.
April 11, ’13, Craft talk given at Ballard Library at the It’s About Time reading series on Organic Poetry.
March, 2013, Juan Vicente… published online in Truck, New York, NY.
Moderated an online panel on the State of Seattle Poetry, March 24.
Featured reader at North End Forum, Wedgwood Ale House, February 11.


Interview poet Wang Ping on her Kinship of Rivers project, December 26.
Featured reader at the PageBoy Magazine release party, Kaleidoscope Vision, Seattle, December 1. (Sound Poetry) (Solo).
Sections of Catalog of Traces published in Pageboy, November.
Performed at the Frye Art Museum, Seattle, with the Four Hoarse Men as part of evening of sound poetry, Nov 1.
Interviewed Dutch sound poet Jaap Blonk on October 26.
Interviewed Seattle writer Willie Smith on Nothing Doing, October 20.

Paul at UW Bothell Convergence on Poetics conference, 30 Sept 2012 (photo by Aldon Nielsen)

Five haibun published in Hambone 20, Fall 2012, Durham, NC.
Presented Organic in Cascadia: A Sequence of Energies at UW Bothell Convergence on Poetics conference, Sept 30.
Performed at (& oversaw the Seattle staging of) 100 Thousand Poets for Change, September 29.
Panelist for Artist Trust Arts Innovator Award, August 31.

Performed with the sound poetry group The Four Hoarse Men at the Lo-Fi Festival at Smoke Farm, Arlington, WA, August 25.
Interviewed Nate Mackey on Nod House, August 24.
Performed with the Jim O’Halloran Quintet at the annual Bradner Gardens Concert, Seattle, August 18.
Participant in 6th annual August Poetry Postcard Fest.
Featured Reader at Five Alarms Summer Lit Crawl, Seattle, Friday, July 13, 2012.

Jim O’Halloran and Paul Nelson at the Subud National Congress, July 2012, SeaTac, WA

Awarded grant for digitizing interview archive from 4Culture, July.

Organized a panel on Publishing and facilitated two workshops at the Subud U.S. National Congress, SeaTac, WA, July 2012, as well as a workshop on Organic Poetry at the Subud Zones conference in Vancouver, BC. Also, performed with flutist Jim O’Halloran at the Subud National Congress.

Interviews with George Stanley (on After Desire) and George Bowering, (on George Stanley’s Two Bits in the Green Guy) July, 2012.

Featured Reader at Claustrophobia 5: The Overflowing Patio, with Emily Kendall Frey and Kate Lebo, Seattle, June 23, 2012.

Interviewed Shahar Bram on The Stones, June 17, 2012.

Featured Reader at Jack Straw Productions 50th Anniversary, Seattle, June 16, 2012.

Performed with flutist Jim O’Halloran at Seattle Center’s Unexpected Arts, in celebration of The Next Fifty, the 50th anniversary of the World’s Fair, June 12, 2012. (Andrew Jordan’s video of the performance.)

Curator, Facilitator, Organizer and Emcee for the 11th Annual Allen Ginsberg Memorial Open Mic Poetry Marathon, SPLAB, Seattle, June 2 & 3, 2o12. (More here on the event.)

Writing Residency, May 21-28 at Doe Bay, Orcas Island, to work on Pig War: & Other Songs of Cascadia, 2012.

Performed with flutist Jim O’Halloran at the Harvest the Arts event, Mt. Baker Community Club, Seattle (with Washington Poet Laureate Kathleen Flenniken, Sunday, May 13, 2012.

Interviewed by Steve Barker for Ordinary Madness #24 podcast, Seattle, May 1, 2012.

Three haibun published in The Cafe Review, Portland, Maine, April 2012. (Dragonfly Resurrection, Power of the Pocket Journal and 49th Parallel Blues.)


Introduction to reissue of Specks by Michael McClure published by Talon Books of Vancouver, BC, April, 2012.


Conceived of, organized and staged the first annual Cascadia Poetry Festival, at SPLAB and other venues, March 23-25, 2012. The event featured ten Canadian poets, many U.S. poets, a Sound Poetry Festival, morning roundtable discussions on Cascadia poetry culture, workshops, an After Party and an open mic and exceeded attendance goals. Funding was provided by Humanities Washington, Poets & Writers and other sponsors.

Endbridge/Endgame, poem published as part of Endpipe Line Collective, published in The Capilano Review, 3.16 / Winter 2012, North Vancouver, BC, Feb, 2012.

Frida One and Too published in Mini-Anthology of Washington State Poetry, Malpais Review, Vol. 2 No. 3, Winter 2011/2012, Placitas, NM, February, 2012.

About Place Journal

The Day the Weather Decided to Die (haibun) published in About Place, A River Runs Through Us (Black Earth Institute), February 2012.

One of 60 featured readers at the Modern Language Association off-site reading, Seattle, Town Hall, Jan 8, 2012.
Residency for Pig War at the Helen Whiteley Center, San Juan Island, January 20-29, 2012.
Residency grant awarded by SICA for San Juan Island writing residency.




Aug 2011 Qinghai, China


Haibun (The Jewel Net of Indra’s Shoe) published by Hoarse, Seattle, December 18, 2011.
Essay on the Seattle Poetry Scene published on-line at, November 16.
Facilitator/Administrator (through SPLAB) for Brenda Hillman (Visiting Poet Series), Nov 11-12, 2011, Seattle, including interview.
Featured Reader at Sea Monster for Dark Coast Press Swell release party, Seattle, November 6.
Featured reader at Cafe Zippy, Everett, WA, Thursday, November 5.
Featured performer in the Communications Silence an homage to John Cage, Sole Repair, Seattle, Sept 2.
Presented Pacific Rim Poetics & featured reader at 3rd Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival, Xining, China, August.
Elegies for Slaughter translated into Mandarin by Denis Mair.
Interview with George Bowering on “My Darling Nellie Grey”, July. Part one. Part two.
Interview with Trevor Carolan on “Making Waves: Reading BC and Pacific Northwest Literature“, July.
Poems from Kozer Variations ms published on the Menacing Hedge website, July 1.
Featured reader at Pageboy Magazine reading, Arabica, Seattle June 4 (Video).
Reader as part of SPLAB Word Orchestra, Folklife festival, Seattle, May 27.

w/ Sam Hamill, Leavenworth, May 2011

Featured reader at Burning Word in Leavenworth, WA. Co-facilitated workshop with Sam Hamill, May 21, 22.
Interviewed poet Frances McCue about her book “The Bled,” May 13.
Featured reader Cheap Wine & Poetry series, Hugo House (Seattle) April 28.
Poems published in Fieralingue, (Italy) April 23, 2011.
Featured reader The Breadline poetry series, Vermillion Gallery (Seattle) April 20. (Archived audio).
Guest speaker on contemporary haibun at Nova Alternative High School, April 14.
Angel Hack and Another Day Will Come published in the 100 Thousand Poets for Change Anthology, April.
Interviewed by Greg Bem in Rain Taxi, April.
Interviewed Nate Mackey, March 11. Also coordinated Nate’s visit to SPLAB.
Poems selected for Solitary Plover (Lorine Niedecker) Newsletter, March.
Interviewed Susan Schultz, February 26.
Featured reading for Olympia Poetry Network, Wednesday, February 16.
Four week SPLAB workshop at Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences, February.
Poems published in the Soul of the Earth anthology (Eco-Spiritual Poems), by Awen Publications January.

May 2010 Brussels


Intro & essay published in Along The Rim: Best of Pacific Rim Review, Vol.2, Ekstasis Editions, Victoria, BC, Dec, 2010.
Poem published as part of Enpipe Line poetry protest, December, 2010.
Poem Periphery translated into Spanish and published on the Inactual website, November 6, 2010.
Featured reader Planet Earth Poetry series, Victoria, BC, Nov 5. (Reading and workshop at The Well, Victoria, November 6).
Facilitated Personal Mythology of Organic Poetry workshop, at The Writer’s Workshoppe, Port Townsend, October 23, 2010.
Featured Reader (with Gary Lemons) at Northwind Gallery, Port Townsend, October 21, 2010. (Recording).
Curator, emcee for SPLAB @ Doe Bay Literary Series, Orcas Island, WA, October features, Michael McClure, Sam Hamill.
Featured Reader at the Pageboy magazine release party, October 15, 2010.
On Faculty for 4th annual Lit Fuse festival in Tieton, WA. (Workshop syllabus linked here,) October 8-10.
Subject of featured article in South Seattle Beacon, October 13, 2010.
Poem from Kozer Variations, Backyard, published at Inactual. October 12,2010.
Curated a feature of NW Poets for Rattapallax Magazine (Online) including interviews with all participants, October.
Poems published in Raft Magazine’s inaugural edition. (Includes audio), October.
Shortlisted for The Stranger’s 2010 Genius Award in Literature, September.
Interiewed by Robin Carneen for NAMAPAHH, First People’s Radio, August 10.
Participation in third annual August Poetry Postcard Fest.
American Sentences Published in Page Boy magazine, July.
Featured Reader, PLOP Cabaret, July 17, Seattle, WA.
Featured Reader, Subud National Congress, July 3, 2010, Vancouver, WA.
Poem published in Mas Tequila, Albuquerque, Summer, 2010.
Featured Reader, Everett Poetry Night @ Zippy’s Java Lounge, May 27, 2010.
Featured Reader, White River Valley Museum, May 21, 2010.
(Review of that reading in the Auburn Reporter.)
Presenter, Featured Reader, Tools of the Sacred conference, Brussels, Belguim, May, 2010.
(Presentation: Projective Verse: The Spiritual Legacy of the Beat Generation. See powerpoint. See essay.)
Featured reader City Lit Festival, in the Poe Room of the Enoch Pratt Free Library, April 17, 2010, with Ron Egatz John Murillo, January O’Neil and Shelly Puhak and Host, Reginald Harris.
Featured reader (with Ron Egatz) at City Lit opening event, April 16, 2010, Minas Gallery, Baltimore.
Spoke to Joe Milutis’ class at UW-Bothell, where they are studying A Time Before Slaughter, April 12.
Poems published in Dark Coast Press gallery, April, 2010.
Facilitated 8th Annual Allen Ginsberg Poetry Marathon, April 3, 2010, Empire Espresso.
Featured reading as part of Dark Coast Press book release party, April 1, 2010, Hugo House.
Featured reading Red Sky Poetry Theater, Hugo House, March 22, 2010.
Reading and workshop at San Juan Island Library, March 20, 2010.
Facilitated workshop for Powerful Schools (Writing Classes for Teachers) March 17. Workshop Outline
Featured reading at Powell Books SmallPressapalooza, March 15.
Facilitated visit by Legendary Beat Poet Michael McClure, March 12 & 13.
(South Seattle Beacon article on McClure & SPLAB.)
Thursday and Friday, February 25 & 26, Featured Reading and Workshop at Wordstorm in Nanaimo, BC.
VSW Reunion w/ George Bowering and the other classmates, Victoria, BC, Feb 6.
Friday, February 5, 7P, Featured reading at Elliott Bay Books, with Amalio Madueno. (Stranger blurb for EBB reading.)
Feature article on ATBS in the Auburn Reporter, Feb, 5.
Sunday, January 24, 3P – Featured reading at Open Books, all-poetry bookstore in Seattle’s Wallingford District.
Thursday, January 21, 7PM – Rainier Chamber of Commerce (Workshop and Reading)
Reading from A Time Before Slaughter, Sunday, January 24, 3PM – Open Books: A Poem Emporium



A Time Before Slaughter reviewed by John Olson, Dec;
ATBS subject of feature on KUOW (NPR), Dec;
Presented Sun poem at Columbia City Winter Solstice celebration, Dec;
Facilitated poetry workshops for Live Free Youth Outreach at Career Day, Pacific Lutheran University, Dec;
Personal Mythology of Organic Poetry workshop, Doe Bay, Orcas Island and Edmonds Community College, Nov, plus a featured reading as part of Orcas Artsmith;
Serial Poem A Time Before Slaughter, published Oct. by Apprentice House in Baltimore;
Coordinated Poetry Stage for Seattle Bookfest, Oct, emceed panel Is Seattle Hostile to Innovative Writing?
Facilitated four week workshop at Richard Hugo House: Keeping Your Hand (Foot, Spleen) In It: Poetry Writing Exercises, July;
Organic Manifesto published in Big Bridge edition on Slow Poetry, June.
Attended Subud International Cultural Association retreat in Portland, facilitated a workshop and wrote SICA Publishing Tips for Writers. Notes on SICA, Culture and the Industry Generated Culture, May.
Published an excerpt of Elegies for Slaughter (X) in In Tahoma’s Shadow: Poets from the City of Destiny, April;
Published Poet’s Obligation as part of a Canadian National Poetry Month celebration, April;
Facilitated six week course at Richard Hugo House on The Personal Mythology of Organic Poetry, April-May. (Participant comments here.
Curated last in a series of Red Sky Poetry Theater Reunion readings, with David Abel and Dan Raphael at Hugo House, April 5.
Facilitated a workshop at the San Juan Island Library, April 4.
Wrote a review of Polis is This: Charles Olson and the Persistence of Place, March.
Lecture/reading at Loyola College, Baltimore, March;
April 21 Rooftop Corpse, a 2004 collaboration with then 13 year old Rebecca Rose Nelson was published in text and sound at Qarrtsiluni, February.
Hosted and arranged visit of Jose Kozer to six NW venues, Jan 30-Feb 10, including Red Sky Poetry Theater, Skagit River Poetry Project and Seattle University.
Published poems in Jump Start anthology, Steel Toe Books, Bowling Green, KY, Jan 09;

On Desolation Peak


Created Cover Poem, a workshop handout. Dec.
Created workshop handout for Hugo House Write-O-Rama on the subject of American Sentences, Dec.
Created the Literary Paradigm Shift at a Glance, Dec.
Short email interview with Wanda Coleman on her American Sonnets, November.
Attended Victoria School of Writing Summer School Reunion, with George Bowering and 6 other poets, Nov, in Victoria. Photos
Wrote What Does a Healthy Literary Community Look Like? November;
Published Organic Poetry: North American Field Poetics (VDM Verlag, Germany), October;
Published Organic Manifesto and other poems in RootStock; October;
Part IX of Box of Dream Stuff published in Blackbox: (A Record of the Crash), October;
Coordinated Red Sky Poetry Theater Reunion series, Open Mic and workshop with Sam Hamill, October;
Panelist for Freedom to Speak event, (on First Amendment Rights) at Auburn Library, Setpember 17. Promotional Video
Curator/Emcee, Subtext with features George Bowering and Marion Kimes, August;
Published response to Michael McClure’s poem Mysteriosos in Golden Handcuffs Review (Summer/Fall ’08; Vol.1, No.10), July.
Master of Ceremonies for 5th annual Burning Word Festival, Whidbey Island, WA, April 26.
Featured Reader and workshop Facilitator at Cover-to-Cover reading series, Vancouver, WA, March 13,14.
Facilitated Six Week Organic Poetry workshop at Richard Hugo House. January-Febuary; (See early 2007 for comparable course outline with links.)
Click here for the Berrigan Sonnet Collage Exercise.
Click here for the Poetry Postcard Exercise.
Published in Big Bridge “War Papers 3,” January.
Frida One and Frida Too published in Cascade Journal.

Wickaninnish Island, BC


December 16, Featured reader, with Sarah Zale and David Rizzi on Youth for Human Rights International reading, Seattle.
December 14, Co-Organizer with Jesse Minkert of Red Sky Reunion at Hugo House.

You Tube video of Paul reading The End of One Slaughter at Charles Potts’ home in Walla Walla

November 9, Featured reader (with sax player Dan Blunck and Amalio Madueno) and workshop facilitator at WSU-Tri Cities.
November 7, featured reader at Subtext Golden Handcuffs Review Vol I, No. 9 Issue. Published Song for Arthur Ballard and interview with Robin Blaser.

November 3-4, facilitated Organic Poetry workshops at Lit Fuse, Tieton, Washington. Participant evaluations.

October 26, facilitated Organic Poetry workshop at the 39th annual National Indian Education Association conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
September 28, Featured Reader at Intersection reading. (Read with sax player, Dan Blunck).
September 26, MC/Volunteer South Sound Voices fund-raiser with Dunya Mikhail Sarah Zale and Bill Ransom.
Septemer 22, co-organized Poetry Postcard Fest evening at Cafe Vega.
September 16, elected Board President of the Washington Poets Association.
In August, six American Sentences published in the outdoor Baltimore Is Reads anthology.
With Lana Ayers initiated the August Poetry Postcard Fest.
Featured Reader at 40th Anniversary of Summer of Love, Langley, WA, June 30.
Poem featured as part of The Running Poets of Greenlake.”June 10.
Featured reader at from the ground up presentation of “A Night of Cheap Wine and Poetry” 7PM, June 7, at Richard Hugo House. Other featured readers: Lyall Bush, Jennifer Jasper, Jourdan Keith, and JT Stewart.
Featured reader at the Subtext 13th (12th) Anniversary. (Poems read.)

You Tube video of Paul at Subtext

Hosted the Our Own Words youth writing contest awards ceremony at P.L.U.
Earn M.A. in Organic Poetry from Lesley University through Independent Study.
Six week Organic Poetry Workshop at Richard Hugo House. Course Outine. April – May.
Chair of Bart Baxter Performance Poetry competition for WPA, culminating in April Bout.
Made short presentation to Washington Poets Association on Arts Day ’07 (Lobbying Tips for Poet Laureate).

6 week Organic Poetry Course (Course Outline)

taught for Hugo House at Park Place Books, Jan/Feb.
Essay on Michael McClure’s Dolphin Skull publihsed by The Argotist Liverpool, England.
Workshop/Lecture on Walt Whitman, American Green Man at Robert Morris College,Du Page campus, Jan 3, 2007.


Some American Sentences published on Dirt:: A Journal of Minimalism Nov, ’06. (Click and scroll waaay down.)
Facilitated Organic Poetry workshop for Olympia Poetry Network, December 14, 2006.
Two essays published in Fulcrum Five, Cambridge, MA, “Dualism and Olson’s Antidote” and “Organic Poetry.”
Review of Lost in the Chamiso by Amalio Madueño, published by Jacket Magazine, Balmain, Australia, November.
Facilitator Organic Poetry workshop at Richard Hugo House, Seattle, November.
Review of Fulcrum Four published by Jacket Magazine, Balmain, Australia, November.
Featured Reader (with Charles Potts) at Soul Food Books, Redmond, WA, November.
Panelist at the Writing by Degrees conference, in historic Binghamton, NY, October.
Participant in week-long Vancouver workshop, October.

Excerpts of Tuscan Sonnet Ring published in Central Avenue, Albuquerque, Sept.
Published in Between Sleeps: The 3:15 Experiment, En Theos Press, Seattle, August.
Nine Sonnets for Pop published in Klyd Watkins’ The Time Garden out of Tennessee, July.
Short presentation at the Plateau Area Writer’s Asociation, June.
Two essays on Olson published on OlsonNow Blog: Dualism and Olsonian/Whiteheadian Process and The Sound of the Field, Buffalo, NY, June.
Workshop Facilitator/Featured Poet/Lecturer -Lower Columbia Community College NW Voices -Longview, WA, May;
American Sentences ’01 in Chrysanthemum, Volume X, Number 1, Spring, Seattle, May;
Featured Reader/Workshop Facilitator for Skagit River Poetry Festival, LaConner, WA, May;
Workshop Facilitator, Featured Poet – Sacred Activism Conference, Poetry as Soul Building– Lynnwood, WA, May;
It’s Gonna Rain (Poem written for Sacred Activism Conference.) Song of Our Selves

Co-Chair Burning Word workshop committee, April;
Featured Reader, Panel Moderator for 3:15 Fiesta, Zoey’s Cafe, Ventura, CA., 3:15 Experiment Fiesta, April;
Lake Forest, IL &Now Literary Conference, (Also participated on a panel discussion speaking on “The Field, Olson’s stance toward reality and how it has manifested in 20th century North American Poetry”), April;
Emcee Bart Baxter Performance Poetry Competition, April;
Poems, including Song for Arthur Ballard selected for Unlikely Stories April;
Essay on WIlliam Carlos Williams selected for Unlikely Stories March;
Poems Another Bird Song and Tuscan Sonnet Ring selected for The Argotist, February;
Essay: Changing a Culture (A Look at Cultural Modernism and Free Market Verse) a response to “Free Market Verse” – an essay by Steve Evans. February;
Poem Short Train Poem for Pop selected for Winter Gallery of Blackbox; January.
Essay on American Sentences published at Triplopia, Vol 5, Issue 1: Memory, January.


Accompanied Debra Van Tuinen to Florence Bienalle, composed Tuscan Sonnet Ring, December;
Interviewed Eliot Weinberger on What Happened Here: Bush Chronicles, October;
Collaborator, w/ painter Debra Van Tuinen, and poets John and Roberta Olson, on Alphabet of Wax poems based on Debra’s paintings to be exhibited at the Florence Bienalle, September-October;
Facilitator, Open Form in North American Poetry workshop for Jump Start Your Writing at Highline C.C., Des Moines, WA, October;
Presenter, American Sentences Catching the Shadow of the Moment at the Haiku North America Conference, Port Townsend, WA, September;
Launched American Sentences website to expand awareness of this form created by AG.
Participant in the 3:15 Experiment in August.
Participant, Victoria School of Writing, Weeklong Poetry workshop with George Bowering, July;
Featured Reader, Burning Word Festival, Whidbey Island, WA, April 30;
Featured Reader, Walla Walla Poetry Party, April 16.

You Tube video of Paul at WWPP, 4.16.05

Elected to Board of Washington Poets Association, April 2;
Workshop Facilitator, Eastlake High, Fife High, Covington Library April;
Panelist/Panel Facilitator/Emcee/Workshop Facilitator/Featured Reader, Poets-in-the-Park Redmond, WA, March;
Travel for Masters Cultural Connections work. Cuba, March.
Published: Short Train Poem for Pop selected for Winter Gallery of Blackbox, January;
Poem in Wandering Hermit Review – Seattle, WA, Sept, and in
Margin: A Journal of Magical Realism – Seattle, WA Summer.


Centrum Writing Residency, October 24 – November 9, including facilitating Open Form workshop;
Interviewed on Beyond the Ordinary, Nov;
Performed Slaughter poems at Bumbershoot Literary Festival w/ Steve Luceno Band – September;
Workshop Facilitator, Write Out Loud, Redmond, WA April;
Panelist/Featured Reader, Poets-in-the-Park, Redmond, WA, April;
Olympia, WA, Art House Designs w/ the Steve Luceno Band, Aug ’04, Sep;
Featured Reader, Seattle, Elliott Bay Book Company, Raven Chronicles War Veterans/Peacekeepers, Aug;
Featured Reader, Haiku Garden, Seattle Arboretum, Aug;
Featured Reader, Lottie Motts, Seattle, May;
Featured Reader, Intimate Stage, Seattle, Feb;
Featured Reader, Epidemic, Seattle, Feb;
Published in: Mute Note Earthward (anthology) -Seattle, WA, Dec.’04;
Raven Chronicles, Vol II, #2-Seattle, WA, Fall;
In Our Own Words anthology; Cary, NC, May;


Panelist at NW Bookfest (Spokenwords from the Heart) – Oct;
Bumbershoot Advisory Board, December ’03 – December;
Performer at Bumbershoot (WordPlay) and Emcee for Bumberbout between Andrei Codrescu and Sheri-D Wilson – Sept;
Participant in the 3:15 Experiment in August.
With a HUGE goatee, Featured Reader at: Walla Walla Poetry Party Nov;
Featured Reader, Seattle, WA Take a Poem From Your Heart, Nov;
Featured Reader, Yakima, WA Inklings Bookshop, Nov;
Featured Reader, Portland, OR Sound Po Festival (w/Dan Blunck as WordPlay) in Feb;
Published in: Square Lake, Issue Three-Seattle, WA, Spring.

At the Auburn SPLAB

2002 and before, click here.